
윌리 보드 (중심 볼 색상: Green) - (동적균형 및 민첩성 훈련 도구 스노우보드, 웨이크보드, 스케이트보드 기초 훈련) / 블랙프라이데이 해외구매대행

Hola맨 2019. 2. 11. 07:00

윌리 보드 (중심 볼 색상: Green) - 

(동적균형 및 민첩성 훈련 도구 스노우보드, 웨이크보드, 스케이트보드 기초 훈련)

블랙프라이데이 해외구매대행



스포츠 포탈 사이트: http://www.holasports.net

해외구매대행 - 진열되지 않은 상품 의뢰하기

Whirly Board는 집이나 사무실에서 활력을 향상시키며

재미있게 즐길 수 있는 동적 균형 및 민첩성 훈련데 도움을 주는 보드입니다.

더나아가 운동선수들이 균형감각과 민첩성 향상에 유용한 훈련 도구입니다.

스노우보드, 웨이크보드, 스케이트보드를 처음 타시는 분들에게

균형감각을 키우는데 훌륭한 훈련 도구가 될 것 입니다.

보드 스포츠 애호가라면 필수적인 운동 용품이 되지 않을까 생각됩니다.

윌리 보드(중심 볼 색상: Green) - (동적균형 및 민첩성 훈련 도구 | 스노우보드, 웨이크보드, 스케이트보드 기초 훈련) / 해외구매대행

미투디스크(www.me2disk.com) 쿠폰공유














크리스마스 선물

성탄절 선물, 추천선물

상품 설명 원문 [구글번역기]

Whirly Board - Spinning Balance Board and agility trainer w/ clear skateboard grip tape 

The Whirly Board is a dynamic balance and agility training tool that allows you to have fun while improving your abilities in your home or office. This board is guaranteed to challenge and help board riders of any skill level and is also a useful training tool for athlete of any sport. It is the only balance board that encourages rotational motion which improves spatial awareness and comfort with spinning as well as quickness and agility. It provides unlimited progression potential because there is no limit to how far you can spin! This board will make you a better athlete no matter what your sport of choice. A must have for board sport enthusiasts. 

Enjoyable Core Exercise 

The Whirly board works your core muscles while improving your abilities all while having fun. There are many ways to enjoy the Whirly Board but no matter what creative way you use it, it will always challenge you to improve. The largest benefit that applies to almost everyone is improved quickness and ability to maintain center of balance. Also know as agility; if you do anything athletic at all, agility is important. The Whirly Board requires and teaches an advanced level of agility. 

Rotational Training 

The spherical shaped balance points bring a 3 dimensional experience to balance training and improve your stability in all directions. They also allow the board to rotate freely while balanced on any one of the three balance points. Spinning around is a fun challenge that can never be maximized! How many rotations can you spin? Practicing rotations in this somewhat controlled environment, will help build spatial awareness and confidence before trying your first 540 while 15ft in the air! For water sports you can set up a rope handle to practice dialing in your handle passes and weight transfers before attempting your first wake to wake 360 or your first double up toe side 7! Getting comfortable with spinning has been a huge help to me personally while taking it to the water or snow. 

Three Balance points 

The one piece Whirly Board contains 3 fixed half spherical balance points. They allow nearly endless possibilities for core exercise, stretches, and tricks. The Whirly Board will improve your balance, agility, spatial awareness, and strengthen core muscles. 

Hand Made High Quality and Extreme Durability 

Whirly Boards are hand made by the original inventor and each board is held to the highest standards of quality. If you disagree, send it back for a refund! Whirly Boards are built to last forever and include a lifetime guarantee to prove it! 

Three Dimensional motion 

The Whirly Board will challenge even balance masters, with three dimensional spherical shaped balance points. It will test your ability in all directions not just back and forth like a standard roller style balance board. 

The Whirly Board Guarantee 

Whirly board was established in July of 2014 as a new and fun way to improve balance, agility, and spatial awareness. By incorporating the challenge of spinning the Whirly Board provides endless possibilities for tricks and progression. We don't think exercise should be boring; and fun things that are good for you, are the best things! We believe in the Whirly Board and we are confident that you will enjoy it! But it will also help improve your abilities in many ways. We stand behind the quality of this product, and offer a lifetime guarantee to prove it. If your Whirly Board breaks or wears out unexpectedly, we will make it right. We don't ever want an unhappy customer, so if you are not satisfied with the quality of your Whirly Board, please send it back for a replacement or full refund! Message from the inventor: I am not trying to create the latest fad through some elaborate marketing scheme and I am not going to parade a bunch of super fit people in front you pretending they got that way by moving their hips back and forth! The Whirly Board started as a fun and helpful toy that I built for myself one day, and I enjoyed it so much, I felt it was worth sharing! Repetitive exercise in a gym has never really been for me, I try to stay fit through a variety of outdoor activities, all of which require balance and agility. The Whirly Board is a fun and helpful way to pass the time indoors while challenging yourself, having fun, and improving aspects of almost any sport you are involved in. I have no doubt that this board has helped me in many ways for the sports I love, and my favorite part is that its fun so I actually want to use it! I am very excited to see other people are enjoying something I created, and I know you will too! Go ahead and give it a whirl, you wont be disappointed! 

About the product 

- Indoor fun for building outoor skills | add some enjoyment to your workout routine 

- Improve core strength, balance, agility, spatial awareness and more 

- Challenging balance board to help athletes improve center of balance and quickness on their feet 

- Extremely durable materials 

- Spinning balance board improves spatial awareness and proper mechanics of spins 


주문전 주문방법에서 필독해주시고 진행해주세요. ^0^ 

(궁금하신 것은 비밀댓글로 올려주세요..^^)


주문하시기전 구매 가능여부를 먼저 확인해주세요. 

해외사이트 상황에 따라서 품절이 되는 경우가 있습니다.


배송은 해외배송이므로 약 2주가 소요됩니다.

그리고 해외구매대행 특성상 주문이 들어간 시점으로 교환&환불이 어려운점 참고해주세요..^^


2014년 8월 7일 부터 '개인통관고유부호' 의무사용이 시행됩니다.

'개인통관고유부호'를 입력해주세요.

'개인통관고유번호' 발급받는 방법

구매 전 필독사항

개인통관고유부호는 세관 통관시 꼭 필요한 정보입니다. 배송이 완료된 후에 개인통관고유부호 는 바로 폐기가 됩니다.

- 통관세및 관세비 기타세금은 본인부담입니다.

- 배송기간은 대략 1~2주정도 걸립니다. 배송업체 사정에 따라 기간은 늘어 날 수 있다는것..^^;;

- 미국 현지싸이트에 주문이 들어가기 때문에 교환/반품 및 환불은 어렵습니다.

- 입금 확인 후 미국 현지로 바로 주문이 들어간 후에는 취소 / 반품 및 환불이 어렵습니다. 이점 유의하여 신중한 결정 부탁드립니다.

- 사이즈 조견표는 사이즈 선택에 참고사항 입니다. 결정은 구매자님이 하시는 것이니 반품의 사유는 안됩니다.

- 수입대행 서비스 이므로 AS및 교환 불가능 하며, 반품시 구매자 귀책(상품하자시 제외)이며, 반품비(국제운송료)발생합니다.

- 해외 구매특성상 A/S가 되지 않을 수 있습니다.

- 배송중 파손된 제품은 택배회사에 문의 해주세요.

바로 주문하기


아래 이야기에 관심을 가져주세요..^^

북한의 정치범수용소란?

북한의 정치범 수용소 일지

북한의 요덕 정치범 수용소 (제15호 관리소)

북한의 회령 정치범 수용소 (제22호 관리소)

북한의 청진 수용소 (청진 25호 수성교화소) 

북한의 화성 정치범 수용소 (제 16호 정치범 관리소)

사업자 정보 표시
진환쓰 | 곽진환 | 경기도 안산시 상록구 반석로 8 본오동, 한양아파트 29동 1105호 | 사업자 등록번호 : 134-30-57287 | TEL : 070-4122-0191 | Mail : holasports@naver.com | 통신판매신고번호 : 제 2012-경기안산-0369호 | 사이버몰의 이용약관 바로가기